Sunday of fun. First in the garden, where we tended to important needs like strings for the beans to climb up. Weeding. And putting bird-netting over the greens, which seem to be getting gobbled up by the avian hordes. We're not exactly sure if it's birds but it appears that they're accidentally getting beakfuls of leaf in the process of snatching bugs off the leaves.
We also harvested our first crop: a single radish. Then we ate it. Sweet, tangy and delicious, with that extra goodness that comes from food out of one's own garden.
Afternoon into evening we were out exploring more of the amazing landscape that surrounds us. At first we had trouble riding, since there are still so many amazing flowers blooming. The most unexpected of blossoms -- a lush, pink-petaled, yellow-centered flower barely an inch across that caught Trina's eye -- came from small, flat hedgehog-type cactus which, so far, we've been unable to positively identify. and are close, but the spines aren't right. The cacti we were seeing have flat, not round, spikes which curve back toward the cactus instead of sticking out. You can lay your finger on this little guy without getting poked.
We spent a long time just tip-toeing through the desert looking and finding more. Plus bundles of other blossoms. With wild onions being one of the most interesting and most common.
For our actual "ride" we bike-strolled along a mix of singletrack and slickrock, winding in and out of juniper and pinyon trees as the dogs romped and played all around us.
As the daylight started to slip away, we did too. Thinking that we might have to come back soon. Except... There are so many nearby places to explore, that we may not.
Finally, arriving home famished, way past dinner hour, we opened the door to smells that told us a Mexican grandmother had been slaving over the stove all day making pork posole...
Trina's Mexican grandmother:
Yum! Perfect way to end the day.
--Greg and trina
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